Export All Docs To Original Source Files (Feature Request)

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Export All Docs To Original Source Files (Feature Request)

Post by theone »

QUICK SYNC of Doc Files to Source

When we import external MS Word files by:

Insert (top menu): Notes from files....

Can we have 2 new features for those imported files (only for those notes having the MS Word icon in the tree):

1) Export All Docx/Doc/RTF file changes to their original source files

With a popup warning, saying original source files will be rewritten.
This can be a submenu somewhere in File: Export ..
Or elsewhere.

2) Right_Click an MS Word icon in the outline gives option:

Export to original source file

If there's no such file anymore, can write a new one.

Again this can be for docx, doc and RTF files.
Also would be very nice to have for imported txt text files too.

These 2 would give a quick way of syncing changes in doc files to their original source files.

If there's a way to do these, I'm currently unaware of. But in any case, these two interface aprons would be very handy even if there's already a way to do the two above.

Thanks for the latest update too.
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Post by theone »


* For both sync options: All MSWord sourced files or MSWord's icon right_clicked on:
There can be a popup message_box warning:
Original files will be overwritten [OK] [Cancel]

* If the original path folders for the MSWord sourced files are not available anymore, or changed:
The doc/docx/rtf/txt files can be written to a new folder:
"Myinfo Exports" on desktop or in Documents folder

This basically allows users to "SYNC":
+ All MSWord sourced files: MASS SYNC
+ An individual MSWord sourced file: Selective SYNC

Later if Petko wants, he can make a scheduled Mass_Sync option in settings for All MSWord sourced files with options:
Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly
This basically creates a backup system too.
These can be shared by many users, in teams.

ALSO: an option in settings can be:
Save all original files in a folder in the same place: "ORIGINAL Docs"

A tip for users or teams can be to create a new working folder and copy All MSWord sourced files they want to it.
So input versions remain unchanged wherever they were originally.
There can be many more uses for such Mass_Sync feature too.
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Post by Jon »

Maybe I am misunderstanding. You made the point in another thread about editing a docx file in MyInfo. And while editing options in MI are basic, I imagine there would be instances when unintended formatting changes or incompatibilities would arise. This would be a problem for someone expecting fidelity to the original formatting or wishing to edit the docx in Word.

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Post by theone »

Jon wrote: Wed Sep 08, 2021 1:59 pm Maybe I am misunderstanding. You made the point in another thread about editing a docx file in MyInfo. And while editing options in MI are basic, I imagine there would be instances when unintended formatting changes or incompatibilities would arise. This would be a problem for someone expecting fidelity to the original formatting or wishing to edit the docx in Word.

Hi Jon,
Thanks for your comment.

Well what you're seeking is almost never achievable but in actual reality it's a matter of degrees. Let me explain.

If you say all of the latest update version of MS Word's features of your installed Word app are not available in Myinfo styling options for docx, then that's correct.

But there are differences in features for a docx available depending on the "dozens" of versions of Word or Office.
https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_ ... osoft_Word
Then there are online versions, Google and other word processing software that open many Word documents as intended, but not all as intended.

So your absolute point is not "all files' formatting styles" will be preserved in Myinfo after an edit. But this applies to editing them in other heavy word processing software and Microsoft's own other versions of Word and office.

But in actual reality, everyday use, it's a matter of degrees, not an absolute issue but of relatives. For example let's say a Word 2016 version that's not updated has 95% of features of the latest Office 360 update. So in your analyses that too, used by tens of millions if not more, is also invalid. But it's not.

Because the overwhelming majority of people would not need those missing 5% features.

That's why the dozens of software houses creating Word Processing editors and readers and other GENRES (yes other genres for managing WP documents exist), focus on the most common features of a Word Processor. These most common styling features are often well kept while converting back and forth across MS Word or Office (local or 360), Google docs and other formats.

In fact the styling features of MyInfo, second Toolbar icons when opening Word document, are a generous and expertly chosen set of Word features. Guesstimating roughly I'd say 90%+ of people will find 90%+ of features they'd like for Word Processing in MSWord, satisfied by MyInfo features. Plus MyInfo edited and saved versions.

Yes it's not 100% of features, but even Microsoft own versions don't offer that.

In fact I'm against MyInfo adding more MSWord styling features. What we have satisfies most needs. And more importantly, it ensures the exported documents will open in many software and also many versions of Microsoft's software. Because there is no single MSWord version, there are many with differences. "it" doesn't exist. So 100% features of what? I rather have less WP styling features as currently, and more seamless opening and editing in many WP versions by various Software houses' WP apps, and other GENRES of software which take various docs as input, and there are many more of those.

I think the MyInfo editing of docx files with the Toolbar he's given, is a masterpiece, I wouldn't cripple it's input/output potential by adding more fancy styling options, which change monthly anyway by MS.

Also the point, not 100% of features of MSWord (whatever version one means) are not available for editing in Myinfo, is actually off-topic to this thread. Maybe in the other thread. This thread is really about updating external files from within MyInfo while backing up original versions in an archived folder upon export.

It's a sync plus backup feature. The beauty of it is that it requires not much coding, just exporting current files. Just adding a few loops to export and a few options in interface and settings. It actually allows external apps like Excel or MS Access etc input those doc files. Also other heavy WP software or teams or people working from different locations. It has many many uses.

It will enable a great deal of other future options for MyInfo too. But more of that later, if this sync/backup of edited docs within MyInfo is implemented. Otherwise, no point.

Thanks again 👍
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Post by Telesto »

I get both views ;-) It depends on use-case & expectations, IMHO

Saving into original documents kind of scary, IMHO. If you start with basic files, or designed to be used this way, it's probably not much of an issue. . If you import complex MS formatted files, MyInfo will trash a lot of formatting already on import, so saving it directly into original file, means trashing a lot. Which surely problematic.

Import notes from files does import the DOCX content or with the recent build attach the DOCX to the database.
I personally prefer DOCX imported as attachment and the content imported too. The content is for me more a preview [could be locked/read-only]. Having to click on the the document itself to open it externally is a fuzz.

At the point you have preview & the DOCX attached, the next step would be considering editing the DOCX content in MyInfo.
If you start editing imported DOCX content in MyInfo (and you have attached it too; to database or as linked external file you likely want to be in sync. That I do get. And with basic formatting this isn't true problem either

However if someone starts to edit the linked DOCX & the preview in MyInfo would be out of sync. MyInfo isn't aware of file changes outside. And if somebody would unintentionally use complex formatting in the DOCX file, MyInfo would mess it up.
[There is no Office Light, which only using a subset of the full feature pallet)

I might be helpful if "theone" could give some context about background of the feature request. This probably doesn't come out of the blue. It would help to describe a workflow/ context where this would be (really) helpful. Nice to have, or sounding nice, is different from actually being used. [Because for example the formatting issue]

I'm still in love/hate with adding DOC/DOCX files to MyInfo. As long you're in 'external edit' mode you can't even use MyInfo to search for something else in between. But well MyInfo is pretty fine for keeping archives of documents..
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Post by Jon »

Thank you for stating this position far better than I.

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Post by theone »

There seems to be 2 POINTS of discussion that needs addressing before discussing my points themselves.

1) Some confusion seems to exist about:
"Word docs in Myinfo!"

This is not precise. This can go on forever, if this muddle of a reference continues, there'll be no point. There are 3 types of "Word docs in Myinfo!" Over-generalization. Link & attach. Which is discussed above, and nothing to do with what I started clearly from the first paragraph. Then the third which is what I meant & repeated several times, knowing some might confuse all types as one.

As I said what I meant was the third type, quote:

"Insert (top menu): Notes from files...."
Also possible from: right_click in outline pane.

Now this is what I meant. It's quite different. It's opening up the Editor content pane. If this is lumbered into one with links & attachments, and then lots of things or being said about all three, there really is nothing one can say. Any specific point about all three becomes gibberish. Because this is quite a different kettle of fish. Reminds me of Alice in wonderland:

"Time has come, to talk of many things, Of shoes and ships, and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings."

Now this, Notes from files...., is what I meant. This also seems to escape the discussion in the recent thread. I'm not talking about attaching or linking etc. So much of above discussion is irrelevant to what I said and thread. Not to mention the great functionality for this feature, which is the real powerhouse of MyInfo. And seems not used much from the discussion we see. And the confusion with other linkages, attaching etc.

It's a pity as a great deal of work must have gone into this. It basically means MyInfo is a great word processor, satisfying most needs of most people. He even gives these files the MSWord icon. But still it's confused. The top WP Toolbar is fantastic, many WP apps are not that greatly implemented. Of course the Outliner and other features make this much better than any WP.

So I'm not talking about anything else, this ^ , is what I'm talking about. The rest is off topic to my request. Might be interesting conversation, but I'm not interested in it.

The rest, apart from this muddling up and confusion over this great powerhouse of a feature, I've addressed before. Some several times. So I'm going to number them precisely, and concisely and will refer to the numbered points.

1) Some stuff raised, can not call points, were addressed by me.
It is not good faith if one pretends I did not address them.
Or worse yet, if my post was not read properly.
I answered all the concerns i read, however they are willfully ignored, as if i never said them. This is not nice protocol.

2) I said several times there can be confirmation before sync & backup. Ignored, not nice.
i) I said in popup (confirmation tick-box) msg_box.
ii) I even mentioned as option in settings, for sync & backup, of inserted files...... This is quite normal.
If someone does not know basics of English or computers interface re: files, and my friends this is Dummies levels not neural networks, they should not be allowed to manage files.
This, sync & backup of external sources, is a basic needed feature in most professional software.
And it is either available in thousands of software of all genres from interface menus etc, and/or within settings. No need to set one's hair on fire and run around screaming.
It is a must feature for many.
Of course these werte completely ignored, as though i never said them. Not nice, again.

3) I also said original versions of files can be backed up.
I also said there is formally a difference between sync & backup. But if we are having trouble with basic English and the very basics of user interface and the norms of backup/sync in millions of apps, lets not complicate these further. I do not have time anyway. Specially if said, will be ignored anyway.
I said an option in settings can be:
in settings for backing up original version files in a new subfolder.
You do not have to tick that option on.
Default can be on, on install. So no one loses any file changes. You can tick it off, or professional writers, knowing what the hell they are doing, usually do not.
their main multi doc editor is their command center, in this case will be Myinfo.
But if clicked or checked, again this is Dummies level of interface we are talking here not rocket science, then no one would lose any original files!
So if someone says: this guy is asking for a feature which is going to change my files! No, that is a pretty stupid thing to say if they are backed up by default and as i said before.
now if someone says but i see the changed external files, then that is irrelevant too, because the silly point that i will lose files changes, is not the case. The files in original version are backed up.
Again, this was ignored, not nice, as though i never said it.
All in a feature that is actually not used and confused with link/attach forms.

4) I also said if the original paths to files inserted (not attach/linkage for those confusing per usual, not what i am talking about):
Then a default backup folder in windows Documents or desktop can be created.
This was the level of foresight i mentioned. In fact quite normal in thousands of software.
I also said this location can be chosen by user n settings.
Again this was ignored, as though i never said it! But if more basic points were willfully ignored, what the hell should i expect by now?
Not nice.

5) I also said this sync and/or (yes can be diff) backup is not pushed by the app ie:
BECAUSE MOST SOPHISTICATED SOFTWARE of this genre have it for external files: IF CHOSEN BY USER.
I said it can be set in settings to hourly,daily, weekly sync BUT DEFAULT WILL BE OFF.
So if someone is blissfully unaware of this, it will not happen to them, so they will not have to set fire to their hair and run around the room shouting the end is nigh.
What is the panic about?
If you are not using the huge work into editing docx inside myinfo (and as a long time coder i can say it must have bee a lot of work), and just doing attach/linkage and even not aware of this powerhouse of feature as discussions elsewhere shows, then your files will not change externally.
Because in settings you will not change default to auto sync/backup.
anyway, that was a further future enhancement.
Again as though i never said any of these.

6) I said many times:
There are dozens of MS Word & Office local & 360 online versions.
No two have similar 100% styling.
Pretending there is an "it" version of word is nonsense and really stupid.
Because it is a huge lie.

7) As i said:
There are hundreds of Word Processing software.
None of them have 100% the same styling features as each other,
or with any of the DOZENS of MS WORD & OFFICE VERSIONS.
To pretend there is a "NORMAL" version of a WP styling hat is universal is another great lie and total nonsense.
IT IS Another great lie.
If this nonsense that exported docx by myinfo will not be 100% the same with all exotic advanced styling features of MS Word (whatever fantasy ultimate version you deem definitive (BS)):
None of the hundreds of WP software or Dozens of MS Word/Office should exist.
Because they are not 100% same as your imaginary fantasy island of ultimate Word with the biblical Utopian definition of styling.
But they, hundreds of WP apps & dozens of MS Word/offices, do exist and they are all different.
Get real. Myinfo is just another great WP doing that and choosing a great set of styling used by most most of the time, combined with other unique features.

8 ) If you ignore all the above points i mentioned many times before this post (Doh!), any one of which completely destroys the fake (no)point of losing your files (in a killer feature not even used nor mentioned and confused with link/attach) then the following will demolish any argument BECAUSE:


9) Some Myinfo competitors that use external files, can allow this exact feature of exporting to one format with styling used by MS Word.
I will not mention names.
I know several devs who are competitors to Myinfo for years via regular email as they implemented many features, big features, an ongoing.
I do not mention others' names on their forums publicly, nor will i mention them here.
One of them does not have a forum, today i realized he is wiser than i thought.

10) If there is a new, actual point, i will reply.
As a point of principal, i do not take part in circular debating.
Nor discussions tat are ignoring what was said, not nice.
nor arguing over nonsense proven in black and white.
If i do not answer any further posts, your answer will be in one of the enumerated paragraphs above.

Any typo above, due to not having time to read and correct, apologies.
I will post a short message to the Petko below.

Thanks to those who commented.

And remember: NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO CHANGE DEFAULT SETTINGS OR RIGHT_CLICK ICONS & SYNC OR TO USE FEATURES THAT ARE OFF BY DEFAULT IN ANY APPS' SETTINGS. Nor stop believing that All Word Processors Versions & All MS Word/Office versions are the same(!), you can believe whatever you need to, however polar note that: fantasies do not affect reality.

So, just relax.
Last edited by theone on Mon Sep 13, 2021 12:32 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by theone »

What is discussed in a forum with some small percentage of current users, does not represent the real world. Sadly one can get cocooned in such artificial atmospheres, but that is not reality. The potential for features' roadmap is great, i wish had more time but not possible in a forum and too busy already.

Best wishes.
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Post by Telesto »

theone wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:15 pm What is discussed in a forum with some small percentage of current users, does not represent the real world. Sadly one can get cocooned in such artificial atmospheres, but that is not reality.
This entails the assumption that there being a universal 'real world'. This isn't the case. People have a pretty different idea's about the 'real word'. It's for example depending where you live (like culture) and what you do (for example 'occupational deformation'). So things obvious to A isn't the case for B. Politics is one example how different the perceptions of the world are.

I'm reading you're response as if there is an rejection of you're proposal. Which isn't the case. There are multiple types of users with various backgrounds, who use MyInfo for various contexts (enterprise/private), for different purposes and with different workflows and desires. A developer can work on single feature at a time. So if working on feature which caterers group A, which isn't relevant for group B, group B has to wait for their feature.. Or even worse, a feature for group A, being a bug for group B.

Exploring sometimes helps to get a better picture of reasons for a request (and the scope). Everybody approaches MyInfo from their own perspective an needs.

My resistance came from the presentation as a process of importing a DOCX, editing in MyInfo, and save back to DOCX (to the same file). MyInfo isn't a direct competitor replacement for Word. Totally different beasts. It's like saying Wordpad being a (equal) replacement for Word. Word is different tool, do what Wordpad does, but far more. The DOCX format far to complex to gamble on it being used for Wordpad tasks.

Exporting notes out of MyInfo to DOCX sec is valid. This is currently already possible. File -> Export -> Text, MS Word, RTF, or HTML file. Click Browse, select a Path + File format (DOCX). If it should overwrite existing files is you're own choice..

It's maybe lacking a feature to store each note in a separate file? And there is maybe some interest in a folder note type. Which makes it possible to export the DOCX files in a (folder) tree structure. Which might be practical too?

Quick export can maybe arranged with a shortcut? I'm not convinced for a dedicated context menu item, except if this can manually added (not being default)

Side note: instead of export to DOCX 'Export to website' which maybe an alternative if something should be shared in teams; but well depends on internal processes.
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Post by theone »

Yes, I agree, forum groupings & forum politics syndrome is well known. Puts off much expert input, for ever. Makes a lot of forums utter waste of time by a few driving away most which is why yesterday for the first time I saw the light why a myinfo competitor dev I know refuses to have a forum. I thought he was wrong till yesterday.

As for MyInfo not being a competitor for Word, (which I never said, in fact I said the opposite) that demolishes the nonsense that no MyInfo export will be 100% same as word. Whole point of objection to my request. Despite the fact I said MANY TIMES no tell WP or no 2 MS Word or Office Word versions are the same. Shows anything can be twisted in wordplay & sophistry. How many times did I say MyInfo is not the same as Ms Word? And but no Ms Word is the same as any other words or Office or any of hundreds of WP. And there is no "it"MS Word ultimate version. NVM wanting MyInfo to be exactly the same as word. This is not genuine honest exchange of ideas, it's complete sophistry & wordsmithing nonsense & waste of time.

There is no new point.
i) As I said my enumerated paragraphs answer anything in this thread. If there's something new, an actual pygmy, I will add to that list. But nothing new.


iii) What MyInfo can also do already has nothing to do with my ex-request. As I said a few direct competitors do styled file formats sync (rtf, docx etc) for Word. AS ORIGINAL PATH FILES. Quite different to export, which they also do. If a few wish to keep MyInfo back from them by any means necessary, that's something else. I say ex request because I withdraw it. And as I said I will not make further requests here or input here. Because no main enumerated point is ever addressed in attacks on an idea, waffle, turning own words & points as though I never said it myself a hundred times as one of my own main points against the nonsense attacks (takes the cake, new one, never seen that, very funny), other requests etc.

iv) If anyone had other requests, would be off-topic, make a new thread. Nothing to do with my ex-request.

Short of time for this sort of thing. Have a good week to all, specially the silent majority whom I'll be joining.

Sorry for any typos, no time to read & correct.
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Post by theone »


As for the rest:

v) Again, nothing to do with my specific ex-request (myinfo competitors i know implementing them), it is just talking about whatever. What can i say to rapping? Anyone can talk about whatever, off-topic etc. As i said before:
Reminds me of Alice in wonderland:

"Time has come, to talk of many things, Of shoes and ships, and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings."
Carry on, bye.
MyInfo Support
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Post by Petko »

I am sorry for entering late this discussion, which maybe led to some confusion and heated exchanges.

Please note that MyInfo does not store references to the original source file for notes imported from txt, rtf and docx files. It only keeps the reference for files using the External Document template. However there the actual file content is stored as a default attachments rather than text. So, theoretically such a feature is possible only for saving default attachments back to their original location.

I am interested what are the practical use cases for this feature? It can help me better understand it.
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Post by theone »

Thanks for your comment Petko.

Before I answer your question I will say 2 things which any very young teenager knows and would nullify any attacks on this ex-request:

No two word processors give the same 100% styling options. This means hundreds of word processors & dozens of MS Word/Office versions. So any child knows not to expect 100% styling compatibility between WPs or Apps with WP ability (like MyInfo) or the many MS Word/Office versions. This was the original attack on this request which was answered many times by me but many numbered answers were not even acknowledged, NVM accepted. This is a strawman nonsense attack, basically saying MyInfo styling will not be 100% the same as MS Word. It is actually an attack on MyInfo, saying any edits inside MyInfo makes the file useless in word, because it does not have 100% of features of MS Word. This nonsense attack is further stupid because it means hundreds of WP software or more WP enabled apps like MyInfo, would be useless too. Everyone should just use MS Word! But as I said this is an even more stupid attack, why? Because there are many versions of MS Word & Office, not to mention updates of Office 360.

That is why I withdrew my request, an ex-request.
Because if in a forum many numbered replies go unacknowledged, NVM answered, you are facing place dominated by practices (I'll not name them) which is unhealthy. It is not an atmosphere of genuine, honest discussion. It is just ignoring logical enumerated points raised and diverting to other things which means end circular arguing, which I never do. If someone says these numbered points answer your attacks. But those are ignored and diversions into other off-topic ideas/requests etc are made, and those attacks continue, then this is not a healthy discussion area. Which is why I said ex-request & bye.

Also no one is forcing anyone to use features which are off by default. Such as backup or sync in millions of software. So the fake drama these attacks created are non existent too. No one is forcing them to use sync or backup.

This dominant mode is why I will not participate further here. Not only it's a waste of time (unanswered numbered points on nonsense attacks & diversionary sophistry into off-topics), but it's a point of principal.

I give personal feedbacks to several Devs in this small genre of software, personally for years, and many of my requested major features were implemented. More software in this area, most features actually suggested by me, are in the making, unreleased as of yet and near completion, under beta testing by me. All confidential. As a former long time programmer and interface expert, I use these software for my many own current projects. Because they save me time on many projects. There are other major enhancements needed by myinfo too from my POV. But I will not even think about them now, again no time, and this is no place for it. Also getting extremely busy even for my previous commitments.

This is the background. Some conversations and dominant atmospheres do not suit everyone. I'm replying despite saying goodbye, because of your post's wording.

As to your question, I will outline some reasons in bullet points only because explaining each will take pages. And as an expert in this area you should see the point in each.

* As I said these are:
ie: most common WP styling options used by hundreds of WP & MS Word/Office, similar CORE STYLE OPTIONS expertly included in myinfo.
So we're not talking about mere text files, but a styled doc in myinfo recognized by all WP versions. This would be the agreed standard, not whatever version of a MS Word, by any user or team of teams of users.

* A user can synchronize sources across:

* A team or teams of people can work with files synchronised by myinfo

* Other apps can use those files using this core styling features of myinfo/.ost WP:
MANY VERSIONS of MS Word & Office
Hundreds of WP software
Other MS software taking input: Excel, Access, PowerPoint, etc etc
Millions of software which can open the files
Numerous software that van have such basic MS Word docs for automated processes & batch operations
And much more possibilities, and experienced programmer has done or at least seen

* Many uses for:
Distance Working

* Many types of uses:
Project management
Distributed data & file management in organizations
Authoring by groups: reports, manuals, commissions, company days, standards & protocols

* Some of your competitors offer updating external source files with CORE STYLING OPTIONS for most WP software. That is styled WP documents, etc, doc etc. I will not names. I do not discuss anyone I know with anyone else.

Same core set of styling used in myinfo which they were even unaware of as the third type of word file beyond attach/link. Basically, editing Word files inside myinfo. This, editing inside myinfo not just link or attach, does not take away from myinfo. It in fact empowers myinfo and it's use further! It seems this is wasted in many who are even unaware of it

Eventually myinfo will too, sync edited files inside myinfo to externals. But it might take years, after more offer it.

And many other scenarios and case uses but I have an appointment now. If you have the vision, I have said enough. If you do not see it, then there's no point in me writing anymore.

# I also said how it can be off by default and:
# Mass sync + individual file sync
# Timed regular sync irons in settings, off by default
# option for backup of original files
# new location set by user ID paths change
etc, it's all above

And not only syncing to external files. In future several of your rivals will offer more.
ie: a feature to sync all files from external sources too. Before someone here sets their hair on fire, these options are off by default, no one comes to their home to force them to use it, this is standard software industry features, protocols and settings. As is normal for sync, backup, refresh sources, refresh inputs etc

But if even an option to sync externally is a complete waste of time to speak of here, no point about other possibilities. I use some of those more advanced features already in s few software I know.

Sorry about any typos & mistaken words as an in a rush and no time to read and edit. I'm swiping the keyboard on the phone in a hurry (not typing them) and any mistakes are by gboard not recognizing the swipes as correct words. But you get my gist.

So I thank you and wish you luck and bid the forum goodbye.
MyInfo Support
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Post by Petko »

Thank you for the clarification. I will keep your remarks in mind.