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What do you use MyInfo for?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:23 pm
by Senkusha
I just want to collect some ideas for what other people are using MyInfo for.

For me, I was introduced to this awesome software as part of an advertisement in RolePlayingTipsWeekly. So to answer my own question, I use it for campaign managment, and I can tell you all that my players love it so far.

But as the introduction to this topic suggests, I'd like other uses as well. What's worked? What doesn't work so well?

Oh, if you want, you can see MyInfo in action at my site.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:33 pm
by arrowman
I dropped Treepad (too many idiosyncracies and a cluttered UI) and selected MyInfo as my personal information / knowledge manager.

I use it for practical day-to-day information (restaurants, recipes, meeting facilities, you nameit), technical knowledge of software I work with and project management information.

A multicolumn tree structure is excellent for a work breakdown structure, which I often use as a basis for project management.

It's a great registration manager

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 11:14 pm
by scadarick
I use mine for easy keeping serial numbers and registrations from places I purchase things. Also for all kinds of data. The right click is great, I use a program called Snippets pro too, but it cost a lot of money, ut between them both...great tools o have.

Now if I can figure out how to get about 124 entries from several version in the program I will be happy....I just might have to do it al by hand again, but its worth it.
So far, the real only problem I have had before was I could not delete frames, collumns or such very well. we shall see on this version.

Nice program guys.

Use of MyInfo

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:17 am
by jjbreen
I use it for a great many things:

* All my National Geographics are catalog w/key words for quick search.
* Video Collection
* Check out of home/personal item.
* Instead of PDF's I use MyInfo for just about all documents and use the viewer to send w/it to people to read.
* I use it on my website for certain webpages
* Internet Research for webpages in the 2nd Tab and notes for the 1st
* Medical record keeping.
* Writting my book/stories
* Archiving all my e-mails of importance.
* Notes for customer/clients and what took place.
* Collector of "Quotes".
* Track & Time for CD-MP3 and WAV files
All in all it's probably the top 4 pieces of software that I use

Respectfully: Jerry


Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:53 pm
by jaws78
I downloaded it for tha same reason as Shenkusa. RPG managment. But beofr I even got in to that I am using it for a few other things.

Idea organization, mind maping, work organization, and wanted to use it for scheduling a few things but there is no way to add reminders.

MyInfo as a GTD tool

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 8:54 pm
by chender
Asa totally disorganised lateral thinker, I need all the help I can get. I have found the @project GTD approach works for me, so I have organised MyInfo with topics like:

@bankwatch (my blog)

Each @... is a major topic, and the information within each are documents and subdocuments. I usually start anything new in @inbox unless its obviously tied to one of the main @xxx's. If anything is finished I cut and paste to @archive.

I use tags liberally in case I lose something.

Thats it. Nothing more complicated, but its life changing for me. MyInfo is the best thing I ever found, and I researched all the other outliners before settling here.

Two things missing, and all in good time no doubt:
1) spell check
2) networking/ internet connection/ sync to internet as a backup.

gtd as well but only for reference

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 6:43 pm
by bl1ndsqrrl
I use GTD tracks for my actual projects then I link to my support materials in MI3, works great!