Post-it notes

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Post-it notes

Post by Antonio »

I use a post-it notes program,
¿Is possible to make something similar with notes in text editor?. The name of the branch would be the title of the note and the text the content of the text editor, with an icon in myinfo to send notes(branch) from topic to the desktop (post-it), Closing Post-it note send it to myinfo as original branch . Only edit text is allowed in post-it mode
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Location: USA - Washington State

Post by jjbreen »

I use a post-it notes program,
¿Is possible to make something similar with notes in text editor?.

I would second this - since I also use this a lot on my desk-top.

Thanks for being willing to give this a thought...

Respectfully: Jerry
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:32 am

Post by Marvin »

I don't quite understand your request, but I was also thinking about writing notes in MyInfo. I want to be able to switch to MyInfo and per one-click start typing something, without caring, where in the tree I want to save it. Some pre-defined locations for the notes can be used. Later I can still sort out my notes.
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Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:51 am

Post by Sophie »

+ 1.

Some (configurable?) rapid-entry location for notes would be great.