[fixed in 6.15:1560] Issue with the edit button of the..

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[fixed in 6.15:1560] Issue with the edit button of the..

Post by gjdm »

By clicking on the title of a document one can open a read-only "floating window" that display the content of the document.
This window has an edit button that when clicked select the document in the main window for editing it.

The issue is that when you have several topics opened in the main window and when you open a "floating window" for a document, if the topic is not the topic shown on the first tab then the topic selected for edition is not the good one instead it is one document of the first topic.
Note: the issue is not systematic but happen most of the time. Just open several floating window from different topics.
MyInfo Support
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Post by Petko »

All issues you reported should be fixed now. Please download and reinstall MyInfo.
Posts: 26
Joined: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:53 pm

Post by gjdm »

Sorry for the late response. You are too quick for me. :)
I have checked the 3 reported issues and effectively they are corrected.


PS: I use MyInfo every days for my professional and personal notes.
It's really the best in its job.