Shall we discuss MyInfo 5?

Legacy MyInfo versions topics and topics that are no longer relevant
Posts: 198
Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:29 pm

Shall we discuss MyInfo 5?

Post by jamal »

Many of us use MyInfo for different reasons in different ways. So, it is hard to generalize. However, speaking for me, MyInfo 5 has been bit underwhelming and disappointing. I am not sure if all the new features have been worth the extra bulk. Take for example, Internal File Viewer, which is the #1 feature in version 5. Honestly, it has made viewing and editing Office files more awkward. Even the file types for which the Internal File Viewer works as designed (such as PDF) seems to show better in an external window of its own.

Is it just me? Any thoughts, anyone?
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Location: Washington, DC

Post by wsp »

It is difficult to generalize, for the reasons you give. But I find MyInfo 5 to be, on the whole, very satisfactory. It does the job smoothly and efficiently. I confess that I rarely use the internal file viewer; I merely link to external files.

The improvements I would most like to see are (a) the ability to see and edit more than one document at a time, and (b) the gradual shift of some or all of the functions of the filters to the search box.

I think Petko has made some promises about the latter. The filters are extremely powerful, but they are so cumbersome and time-consuming that I almost never use them. (And I don't like having to leave the main screen in order to see the filters.) Now that Boolean searches are possible, I find that I am using the search box more and more. At the same time, my search phrases are becoming longer and more complex, and I would like to be able to save some of them for later reuse -- just as we can do with the filters. The list of saved searches could take the form of a drop-down list under the search box.
Peter Dear
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Post by Peter Dear »

I would really like to see hoisting implemented.
