[fixed in 6.20b1865] A small undesired left/first indent

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[fixed in 6.20b1865] A small undesired left/first indent

Post by Tester »

When creating a new document, the marker for the left and first indent is in the (preferred) default position (completely at the left end of the ruler). It looks like this ("Document 1"):


Let's assume that afterwards I open another (still existing) document
- either bei clicking on its title in the tree
- or by clicking on a link to it in Document 1
and then I return to Document 1 (typically by clicking on the button "Go back to" in the tool bar, or by clicking on its title in the tree).

After returning, this document usually (I am not sure if it happens always) has a small left and first indent - or at least such an indent is shown by the marker which has now moved a little bit to the right:


As you can see, the difference is very small, but it exists. I do not know if it has a (marginal) effect on the formatting of the document.

And from now on, this (indication of a) slight indent remains, either for other already existing documents opened either for new ones created afterwards:


In order to restore the correct position, of course you can move the marker manually back to the left end of the ruler. (Strangely, after such a procedure the marker remains there, even after opening again another document and going back to the first one.) I already made this manual shift of the marker for a lot of documents but of course this is something quite cumbersome ...
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Post by Tester »

First an addition to what I have written above:
A small undesired indent appears also on the right end of the document ("Right Indent" on the ruler).

In the meantime I found out what seems to produce these indents:

Obviously it has always to do with a "different" line spacing. I say "different" because I assume that there is a connection with a deviation of the standard line spacing (the one which exists in the chosen style).

In my case the standard line spacing is 1.5 (using the style "Normal").

One of the constellations in which the undesired indents appear is the following:

- I copy and paste a document from Word (let's call it "Document 1") which has several lines with spacing 1.5 and two lines with spacing "Single". As long as I do not change the spacing of these two lines all is o.k. with the indents.

- Now I change (in MyInfo) the spacing of these two lines from "Single" to the normal 1.5 (via Format ---> Paragraph ---> Line Spacing).

- The change works o.k. But when I go afterwards to another document (by clicking on its title in the tree) this document has the undesired indents left and right. And these indents remain in all the other documents too which I will open from now on (either new ones I create, either still existing ones) - until I will correct (= eliminate) the indents manually (by moving the markers of the ruler).

But whenever I return to Document 1 the indents appear again in the following documents.

This was the description of one of the constellations. There are others too if I remember correctly but it is a little bit cumbersome to reproduce them now. Anyway, it always seems to have to do with the line spacing.
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Post by Petko »

Thank you for the additional information. It should be fixed now!
Posts: 176
Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:08 pm

Post by Tester »

Yes, it works perfectly now. :D Thanks.